MPT1345 Performance specification

Radio microphones and radio hearing aid equipment for use in the band 173.35 to 175.02 MHz.


1. It is required by the Wireless Telegraphy Act, 1949 that no radio apparatus shall be installed or used in the United Kingdom, except under the authority granted by the Secretary of State. It is a condition of this authority that the performance of the apparatus must meet certain minimum standards.

2. These minimum standards of performance are given in specifications prepared by the Department of Trade and Industry, Radiocommunications Division, in consultation with the relevant manufacturers.

For convenience, to avoid the need for tests on every piece of equipment, manufacturers are invited to make available representative production models of their equipment for testing by, or under the control of, the Department of Trade and Industry.

Manufacturers, or their specified agents, who wish to submit equipment for type approval testing should apply to:

Kenley Radio Technology Laboratory, Whyteleafe Hill, Whyteleafe, Surrey, CR3 OYY.

3. The application should state to which specification(s) the equipment is to be type tested and should be accompanied by a description of the apparatus and its intended use, including drawings and test results obtained in the manner described in the appropriate performance specification. The intended use must comply with the scope of the specification.

It should also list all type numbers that may apply to non-technical variants of the model submitted.

The Department of Trade and Industry reserve the right to require separate type approval tests for models they consider to be technical variants and whose performance may therefore differ.

The Department of Trade and Industry also reserve the right to decide which channel separation will apply for an item of equipment.

4. Equipment approved to this specification will be exempt from the need for a licence under the Wireless Telegraphy Act to operate in the band 173.35 MHz to 175.02 MHz*. Services in the band are not protected from interference caused by other authorised users, and they must not cause interference to other radio services.

* Following the implementation of a Statutory Instrument in 1987. In the interim period the Department of Trade and Industry will issue a one-off licence, free of charge, to new licensees and to those existing licensees whose licences require renewal.





Radio microphones Wide band

173.800 MHz
174.100 MHz
174.500 MHz
174.800 MHz
175.000 MHz

Radio microphones Narrow band

(also for radio hearing aid equipment if the exclusive frequencies and alternative groups A and B are all unsuitable)

174.600 MHz
174.675 MHz
174.770 MHz
174.885 MHz
175.020 MHz

Radio hearing equipment

Exclusive frequencies

173.350 MHz
173.400 MHz
173.465 MHz
173.545 MHz
173.640 MHz

Alternative group A

173.695 MHz
173.775 MHz
173.825 MHz
173.950 MHz

Alternative group B

174.07 MHz
174.120 MHz
174.185 MHz
174.270 MHz
174.360 MHz
174.415 MHz

(alternative frequencies in group A, then group B are used if the exclusive frequencies are found to be unsuitable for a particular application)

The complete MPT1345 specification is Crown Copyright and may be obtained from OPSI. What happened to HMSO? OPSI has a broad remit to advise on and regulate the operation of the re-use of public sector information. HMSO continues to exist and fulfil its core activities including responsibility for the publication of legislation and the management of Crown copyright operating from within OPSI. One of the practical consequences of the creation of OPSI is the re-branding of what was the HMSO website - HMSOnline.
Updated September 27, 2007

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