Links Page
Updated August 23, 2017
Non-working links have been removed.
 | Understanding Sky Digital TV This FREE 40 page book is available for download in the form of a ".pdf" file which you can then read on screen or print out . Everything you need to know about Sky Digital. Bookmark this page in case you need to come back. Understanding Sky Digital TV (about 405k file size) FREE BOOK Get it from |
What Satellite TV on-line Magazine
Media Zoo (Eric Wiltshire)
Lots of information about DTV
 | Repairing Sky Digital Receivers Not just a repair book! In fact not even a repair book! Common problems and cures listed - many of which you can fix yourself with only the remote control handset or a soldering iron. Plus lots of general repair information including how to recognise various components. Written in simple terms, this book also gives the home user valuable advice on how to prevent failure. Read it NOW and save money in the future. But, if the worst happens, read it anyway because it will still save you money. Repairing Sky Digital Receivers (about 584k PDF file size) $10 = £7 Get it from |
Graham Southall - VCR Repair tips
RSD Communications D2Mac etc.
TELE-satellite (English) Magazine
Nigel Goodwin's Satellite Info!
Digital Satellite TV for expatriates
Digital Satellite TV for expats etc.
European Satellite
BBC Digital:
BBC Research & Development:
Anyone hoping to buy or sell a secondhand Sky digibox may be interested in a new mailing list, details of which can be found on
Radio-TV-Satellite-links Add your site here:
Electronics links from SatCure | CBC International - Web Site of the famous Lou Franklin! CB Radio modifications and upgrades | Mike Papadimitriou's Electronics site in English and Greek: useful circuits with full description, diagrams and PCB, electronics articles, links and downloads.
ApogeeKits Home of high quality electronic kits - clock kits - digital clocks - animated bell LED displays - free download plans and more.
Highly recommended! Sci.Electronics.Repair group FAQ
Abacus Electrics - designers of specialised instruments
Check Out the Everyday Practical Electronics Web Site! Magazine
 | Surface Mount Technology - Design Guidelines by Martin T. Pickering B.Eng. - Why do multilayer ceramic capacitors crack or burst into flames?
- What size/shape copper pads should I use?
- How can I reduce the cost of solder by 60%?
These notes were written a few years ago but the points considered remain valid today. They don't contain hard and fast "rules" but attempt to make the designer think logically about his design. Of course, there are some contentious points, which are bound to raise comments such as "Why should I change. I've always done it in such-and-such a way?" My answer is "Why not? You won't know unless you try it!" I worked for fifteen years as a designer and I didn't simply pull these ideas out of a hat. Hopefully you will find them interesting and thought-provoking. Get it from |
Howard Electronics
Bulbs & LEDs!
Resistor Colour Code Chart
Don Lancaster's Synergetics "Guru's Lair" page
(Useful info but Don *refuses* to reply unless you are in the USA !! A really weird guy.)
 | Electronics tutorial for beginners Easier to understand than anything you've read previously! Martin has a knack of explaining technical subjects in simple language. Components covered include resistors, diodes, transistors and capacitors. This is NOT just another boring technical book full of mathematical equations. You'll like it! by Martin T. Pickering B.Eng. Get it from |
Currency Exchange Rates Currency exchange table creator
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Version 1.5 updated on May 7, 2002
Version 1.6 updated on August 23, 2017
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