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April 1959 Pay Scale for UK Service Engineers


The standard rate of pay for service engineers per 44-hour week is fixed as follows :

(a) Radio and TV engineers who have served a five years' apprenticeship, £11 7s. 6d.

(b) Radio and TV engineers who have served a five years' apprenticeship and who have gained the R.T.E.B. certificate in radio servicing, £12 7s. 6d.

(c) Radio and TV engineers who have served a five years' apprenticeship and gained the R.T.E.B. certificate in television servicing, £13 7s. 6d,

Other employees : semiskilled persons engaged on general radio and television, installation and maintenance, £9 7s. 6d.

The agreement defines hours of work, overtime, wages during sickness, holidays with pay, tools and equipment, and a note regarding private work to the effect that no engineer shall undertake work in his own time.

A further schedule quotes the following rates of pay for apprentices for a 44-hour week: first year, £3 ; second year, £4 ; third year, £5 ; fourth year, £6 ; fifth year, £7 10s. In addition, 10s. per week will be paid to apprentices entitled to the R.T.E.B. radio servicing certificate and a further £1 per week to those entitled to the Board's TV servicing certificate.

Although two-thirds of the population now have television, 7.5 m. still receive BBC only. There is a general fall off of evening programmes.

Copyright ©1998 SatCure
Updated May 23, 1999
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